Make the Best of the Summer

Get Ahead!  Use Your Summers Wisely!

According to studies, many students lose valuable knowledge and skills over the summer break. (1)  Summer programs around the country provide academic opportunities and real world experiences.  Many of them offer a stipend, room and board.  The time to apply is now!

Outside of regular school activities, build your knowledge and experiences in health and science. (2)  Summer is the perfect time! 

Together let’s make a commitment to avoid any summer slide or “brain drain”.  Let’s get ahead!*

Apply today!  Below are some resources with upcoming deadlines.  

Check our Resources Section frequently for more information:

Websites with Free Activities (K-8)

Summer Programs (K-12)

Summer Programs (High School Students)

Summer Programs for Undergraduate/Post-baccalaureate Students

*Mentoring in Medicine offers biomedical camps for groups of students in middle and high school.  Contact us at for more information.


(1) McCombs, Jennifer Sloan, John F. Pane, Catherine H. Augustine, Heather L. Schwartz, Paco Martorell and Laura Zakaras. First Outcomes from the National Summer Learning Study. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2015.

(2)  Rahmai, Neha.  Five Ways Pre-med Students Can Spend the Summer.  USA Today College. April 7, 2014.