On Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 300 physicians and medical students from across the United States convened one site of the MIM program, Charles Herbert Flowers High School in Prince Georges’ County, MD. Just over 250 students listened to the words of wisdom and lessons learned.
“Success is not just what is in your head, but what is in your heart also. What drives you? What makes you push through the hard subjects and long days? Own where you come from and use that to remind yourself that you can make it. One doctor shared that “little bursts of miracles” that showed her what an impact her work make to people’s daily lives is what kept her going through chaotic days. Being determined is a great skill; it shows that there is something out there that you care about. I will remember these skills next time I take on a big task.
I wish every student had the opportunity to hear the presenters’ message. I look forward to applying these lessons of strong academics, perseverance and time management today and to participating in next year’s event–and being inspired again.”
—LW, 10th grade
“The information I obtained from the doctors was phenomenal and very useful! I felt so honored to be able to attend such a wonderful event. It was so amazing to see and meet some of the successful doctors from around the world. They were so kind and insightful. I would strongly recommend this program to anyone who has an interest in medicine.”
—MW, 11th grade
“I had the great opportunity to converse with numerous doctors and be educated on multiple topics. I was able to effortlessly list over twenty new things I learned. It was an amazing experience that I would love to do again. So many questions I had were answered. I learned that you have to take time for yourself, not be too concerned about money, and major and do what you are passionate about. I would recommend this experience to everyone whether or not you want to go into the medical field. It was an incredible, joyful and astounding. I have already told many friends about the great experience.”
–HS, 10th grade
The activity was featured in the article, Doctors Visit Flower High School, Offer Advice to Students, The Sentinel Newspaper, April 20, 2016, Candace Rojo Keyes